terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2014

A Dream or the Reality

Here it goes the english version - Hope you enjoy it :)

In the bloom of a new life arise simultaneously new ideas, perspectives, actions that in effect, their own transport us to design, innovation and differentiation. 

In contrast also develop feelings of doubt and fear, plumbers which incapacitate us in mobilizing, Float of events, the achievability. 

The Dream and Reality reside between these strands, which independently 
of our natural human defenseless, (fear, doubt, etc.) is up to us to give logical order 
possible and in transforming a dream into reality. 

What I really want? 
What do I need to get my "desire"? 
What are the ways that I have in my power to get to the "desire"? 
I will commit to the end? 
Until the dream come true?

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